Thursday, March 3, 2011

Viruses, Spyware, and Malware: What's the Difference?

Reading Reaction Journal #5  

Reference:  Rubenking, N. (2011, February 8). Viruses, Spyware, and Malware:   What's the Difference? Pc magazine. Retrieved February 27, 2011, from,2817,2379663,00.asp

          In this article, the author explains important terms that are used every day by people. These are related to computer and internet field. For example among these terms are Virus, Worms, Trojan, Spyware, Adware and Rootkit. The author divided these terms into two groups; the first one was by the way they spread and the second one by what they do. Also, the author showed the importance of knowing the anti-viruses software and said that we should examine this software to use if it is useful or just fake.

            Everything in our new life depended on the computer and the internet. Therefore, we should pay attention to the problems that affect to our computers and that may cause malfunction or allow important data to be stolen. There are many terms used to define these problems like Virus, Worms, Trojan and Spyware. I am very interested to know the details and how they work. Many months ago, I was responsible for a computer lab in my college; during that period, I faced many problems related to how to keep maintain the computer lab in a good status while all the viruses and other problems become widespread. I read many articles and tried many kinds of software to eliminate the action of this malicious software.  In this article, the author mentioned a very clear definition for most rogues' software.   He used very simple ideas to explain the dangers of this software. Truly, I like the easy way to explain any term to spread the information to every person who needs to know about the new problems. This article helps me to be refreshed on my information and to stay in touch with the newest terms in my field.


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